2. It is said that Greek comedian, Philemon died laughing at his joke.
3. Chrisyppus, a Greek philosopher died laughing when I saw thedonkey was eating figs.
4. Hear the sordid story of his sister writer from Italy, PietroAretino laughed until he was toppled from his chair and thenconvulsions and death.
5. Eccentric Scottish author, Thomas Urquhart died whilelaughing at the throne of Charles II improvements.
6. Night in April 1872. Mrs. Fitzherbert, and his friends who came from Northamptonshire went to Drury Lane Theatre to watch theBeggar's Opera. When a character named Polly perform sillyscene, Mrs Fitzherbert laughing so hard he could not stop andwas forced out of the theater space. One week after that night,Mrs. Fitzherebert reportedly died due to a sustained hysteria.
7. March 24, 1975. Alex Mitchell died laughing while watching aTV comedy The Goodies. In the episode, the character appearstypical of Scotland dress up and play kungfu. After 25 minuteslaughing, Alex stopped laughing, and then slumped on the couchhaving a heart attack. His wife found out, sent a letter to thegoodies for making her husband died in happiness.
Source : tahukahkamu.com
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